Stego Sustainability Report
Standards, Certifications, and Rating Systems
Protecting the first side of the building or home from soil vapor transmission is an important component to achieving broad sustainability goals and can often contrib ute to achieving green building program certification. The performance of our barri er solutions, as well as Stego’s commitment and efforts toward material ingredient transparency, offer project teams more direct opportunity to meet program require ments or advanced pathways toward compliance.
LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design ™ ): administered by the U.S. Green Building Council ® (USGBC ® ), LEED green building program is easily the most recognizable certification in the industry and has helped define green building in the United States and beyond. LEED offers a variety of Rating Systems depending on project type, including new commercial construction and homes. • LEED ® v4.1 , Building Design and Construction (LEED ® v4.1, BD+C)*: New Construction v4.1 MR Credit — Material Ingredients: ° Stego Wrap is the first and only below-slab vapor barrier with an HPD that provides chemical inventory disclosure to the required 1,000ppm threshold. • LEED BD+C : New Construction v4.1 IEQ Credit — Low-Emitting Materials And LEED Residential BD+C**: Single Family v4.1 IEQ Credit — Low-Emitting Products: ° Low-Emitting Materials — Primary system accessories for all Stego barrier products are low-emitting for VOCs (certified Clean Air GOLD). • LEED ® v4.1 , Residential Building Design and Construction (LEED ® v4.1, Residential BD+C): Single Family v4.1 SS Credit — Nontoxic Pest Control ° Pango Wrap is a physical termite barrier solution (2 points) • LEED Residential BD+C : Single Family v4.1 IEQ Credit — Radon-Resistant Construction ° Stego products exceed the referenced Indoor airPLUS “capillary break” requirement for radon-resistant new construction system design.
Included below are common green building standards, certifications, and rating sys tems and some of the specific categories or credits Stego products contribute to:
LBC (Living Building Challenge ® ): administered by the International Living Future Institute (ILFI), LBC provides a stringent performance-based framework making it one of the more rigorous green building certification programs available. • LBCv4.0 Materials Petal — Red List ° Stego barrier solutions and key accessories are Red List chemical free.
*includes New Construction, Core and Shell, Schools, Retail, Healthcare, Data Centers, Hospitality, and Warehouse and Distribution Centers **includes LEED Residential Multi-Family and Multifamily Core and Shell
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