Stego Wrap Vapor Barrier Solutions Digital Binder

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The Solution: Stego Wrap and Stego Tape Stego Wrap 10-Mil Class A Vapor Retarder: for this job, they selected the 10-mil Class A vapor retarder; the choice helped them control costs over the massive two million square feet of the project while adhering to critical performance standards of ASTM E1745. Not only does this ensure the high level of protection against water vapor diffusion but provides a puncture resistance and tensile strength powerful enough to withstand the weight of countless concrete mixers and a massive laser screed machine that would be working on top of the material during concrete placement. Stego Tape: in the wide-open layout of the fulfillment center – with minimal penetrations and only steel beams to detail, Stego Tape’s low permeance and ease of installation helped quickly seal the seams of their installation. The Results: Side-by-Side with Stego Installation Support Lewis Construction has made Stego Wrap their go-to choice for be low-slab protection since 2006. Over that time, Stego’s nationwide team of experts has ensured Lewis and his team always get product in time for installation. Additionally, Stego’s Installation Support provides project specific guidance whenever needed. That project relationship has only grown for Steve Lewis:

“It’s the support. We’re able to get the product on-time when we want it. [Stego Industries Vice President of Sales] Jeremy Clark has always been a great resource. That relationship created a friendship. You can’t be an expert on everything. Calling on Stego to understand what you have to do -- and why you have to do it -- certainly has value. If there’s ever a problem or question, they’re always responsive.” Steve Lewis, Superintendent Lewis Contruction, Inc.

Stego is proud to be associated with Lewis’ industry-leading concrete construction firm. Like Lewis and many other concrete contractors, Stego has always been a family-owned business that prides itself on the strength of its relationships. We’ve built our company into an industry-leader in many of the same ways: investing in technology and continuing education of our experts and our stakeholders to deliver the highest performing below-slab barrier protection in the world. LET’S TALK. HAVE QUESTIONS? Give us a call to get in touch with your nearest Stego Representative. We look forward to working with you on your next project. 877-464-7834 |

All designated trademarks are the intellectual property of Stego Industries, LLC. Installation, Warranty, and State Approval Information: ©2022 Stego Industries, LLC. All rights reserved.

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