Stego Wrap Vapor Barrier Solutions Digital Binder
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CASE STUDY: Beast ® Screed System
Beast Screed System Helps Neeley Construction Comply With Specification at Peninsula College
Peninsula College’s campus is located on the Olympic Peninsula in the jaw-droppingly beau tiful city of Port Angeles, Washington. This area is such a gem that any new construction has to be done right yet fit in with the beautiful surroundings. So when the college was building a new $25.6 million education center, they turned to Neeley Construction Company out of Puyallup, Washington. The Allied Health and Early Child Development Center, a 41,650 square foot facility, will be used to train the next generation of doctors and nurses, so it’s important that it stands up to the test of time. Peninsula College knew that choosing Neeley Construction would ensure that this important education center would stay useful for years to come. And Neeley Construction knew that part of that is having a solid system to keep moisture out.
Neeley Construction was looking for a better way to screed their concrete over the traditional “cow patty” method. Not only did they need a better way to screed, they needed to do so without damaging the Stego ® Wrap Vapor Barrier they had installed to guard the building against moisture. For the solution, they turned to Stego Industries’ revolutionary Beast Screed System. Beast Screed System: Perfect fit for the job The Challenge: The Peninsula College project was a large and complicated one. Neeley Construction wanted a more efficient and reliable method for screeding, and there were multiple areas of interior formwork which had to be set at different elevations; all this and the specifica tion called for no punctures in the vapor barrier. Tradition al screed hardware, and traditional forming methods, can both cause punctures to a vapor barrier.
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