Stego Sustainability Report
Employee Wellness is a foundational element of Stego’s employee experience and culture. To demon strate this isn’t just talk, Stego reimburses employee wellness expenses through an annual amount provided to support and encourage activities and equipment that help our employees achieve a ho listic work-life balance. Because every employee’s Wellness journey is different, employees get to self-direct the use of their welness funds so long as it contributes to physical, mental, emotional, and relational health and well-being. For example, when our Rocky Mountain Regional Manager, Dave Marks, was training for the US Olympic Trials, he used his Wellness reimbursement for new pairs of running shoes (he went through a lot of them!). And, when our Data Entry Specialist, Kat Sattler, wanted to get outside and hit the trails, she used her Wellness reimbursement for a full-suspension mountain bike.
And, when the COVID-19 pandemic closed gyms, Stego’s employees were well-suited to pivot their funds to at-home equipment and virtual memberships.
In recent years, mental health has also been a larger priority, especially given the stress employees (not just ours) and their families have navigated during the COVID-19 pandemic the last few years. Not only does the Stego medical insurance plan include mental healthcare, but in 2022 we stepped up even more and began offering reimbursement of employee mental health expenses through an annual amount provided to cover professional counseling, therapy, or life coaching. We know our team members are at their best when they take care of themselves and their families first. The Stego Team also has an impressive track record of supporting employees’ individual health goals and endeavors. Whether it is showing up to cheer each other on for marathons and Ironman races, or representing “StegoNation” by cycling 100 miles in national Bike MS rides, we are inspired by and supportive of one another’s personal wellness goals and achievements.
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